Alice Huang
Alice Huang
Kirin與SMG簽署公司債專案顧問合約 Kirin has signed Consultancy Agreement of Loan Note with Soon Mining Limited (SMG)
Alice Huang
為配合SMG(SOON MINING LIMITED)將於2019年第一季啟動黃金礦區多條生產線的計劃,Kirin於2018.10.20與SMG簽署顧問合約,協助規劃及推動SMG公司債的發行。
In order to cooperate SMG’s plan to start multiple production lines in gold mining area in the first quarter of 2019, Kirin has signed Consultancy Agreement with SMG on Oct 20th, 2018 to assist in planning and promoting the issuance of SMG’s Loan Note.
SMG公司說明書 SMG Company Profile
斯洛伐克電信公司股權併購案 Slovak Telecom Corporation Equity M&A Case
Alice Huang
The company is the top three telecom operator in Slovakia with high profitability and abundant cash flow. It is planning on international listings and integrate the company's equity allocation. It has signed a financial advisory contract with Kirin at 2018.10.02, officially authorizing Kirin to handle its equity mergers and acquisitions’ affair, in the hope that the company's international listing case can be successfully completed.
[媒體新聞] EOS Inc. 任命Linna Chi為首席高級顧問 [Press Release] EOS Inc. Appoints New Chief Senior Consultant
Alice Huang
柴油及成品油的採購授權 Procurement Authorization of Diesel and Refined Oil
Alice Huang
Kirin has successfully obtained the procurement and purchase authorization of Diesel and other related refined oil from Asia’s fine oil company on 5th Jun, 2018, and has been authorized as their purchasing representative, to process quantity orders and spot shipments. Demand in various grades of Diesel and other refined oil between 10PPM to 500PPM. Kirin has been conducting the procurement and purchase plan.
柴油採購授權 Procurement Authorization of Diesel
Alice Huang
Kirin has successfully obtained procurement and purchase authorization of Diesel from oil company in Taiwan on 22nd May, 2018, and has been authorized as their purchasing representative. Annual purchase quantity : 100 MT and above. Demand in various grades between 10PPM to 500PPM.
Kirin also has obtained its first Letter of Intent and has conducted purchasing negotiation with Diesel supplier. We aim to complete the purchase recently.
Alice Huang
Kirin協助Soon Mining Limited (ASX: SMG) 於 2018 年 5 月 11 號與新加坡油品公司簽署了一份柴油銷售購買合約。因爲此次順利的簽約,將為SMG帶來可觀的獲利,並對SMG未來創造穩定的現金流有所助益。
Alice Huang
華夏理財 第48期
Alice Huang
CAM Issue 20 雜誌專訪
Alice Huang
CAM Issue 21 雜誌專訪
Alice Huang
2016.10.26 Stretton State College Awards Night
Alice Huang
【 女人變有錢 】雜誌專訪
Alice Huang
Alice Huang
Alice Huang
2016.03.31 接受布里斯本電台98.1專訪 2016.04.10 播出
Alice Huang
2013.04.02 參訪美國NEWMOON迦納黃金礦區
Alice Huang
2016.03.28 與迦納東部地質所所長Solman.SMG執行長Oscard.礦區酋長及頭目們合照